Linguistic and professional immersion in France for Italian students

Echangeons sur les objectifs du séjour PCTO de vos étudiants :

As part of the PCTO programme (Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation), Vacances Actives Linguistiques brings Italian students an authentic and rewarding professional experience at hand-picked French schools and companies. Our stays bring together language learning, cultural immersion and work experience to help your students build essential skills for their future, whether they want to go into higher education or straight into the world of work. 

Why choose a PCTO stay in France?

Vacances Actives Linguistiques’ PCTO programmes in France are designed specifically to meet the Italian curriculum. They provide a unique opportunity to experience the French world of work at the same time as building vital soft skills for any educational and career path.

Our Services

French business

Our stays include company visits to introduce students to French business and working methods. These visits are a golden opportunity to get to grips with how French companies work and meet industry professionals.

Educational workshops

We run specific French workshops such as CV writing, cover letter writing and job interview preparation. These worthwhile activities teach students useful skills in terms of job seeking and building self-confidence. By the end of their stay, they will have the tools they need to introduce themselves and communicate in French so they can sail through job interviews and thrive at university.

Cultural activities

We take your student stays to new heights with a range of cultural trips and activities to challenge them and boost their communication skills. Each programme is designed to encourage students to interact with locals and professionals as well as introduce them to French culture in all its glory: trips to museums, monuments, cookery, tasting, perfume making classes and so much more depending on your destination and its local culture.

Your choice of leading French destination

Our PCTO stays take place in 3 destinations:
Paris, Lyon, ou Strasbourg.

These 3 cities are business hotspots and job pools bursting with opportunities to meet people and soak up the world of work in various industries. 

Vacances Actives Linguistiques works with countless local partners and representatives to provide premium accommodation such as home stays, the best way to squeeze every last drop out of your language experience. Italian students can also stay at university residences, campuses and hotels during their French city break. 

Le Louvre

Official Italian PCTO requirements

The 2019 Italian Finance Law and ministerial decrees have set out the number of hours required for the PCTO programme:

  • high school students: at least 90 hours
  • technical college students: at least 150 hours
  • business school students: at least 210 hours

The PCTO must:

  • Include collaborations with businesses, public/private organisations and the world of work.
  • Incorporate activities such as company visits, business projects and work experience.
  • Provide a thorough review of skills gained with a focus on understanding the lay of the land and choosing a career path.

What is the PCTO for?

The PCTO, or Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation, trains Italian students by building their transversal skills (soft skills) and steering their career path in the right direction with experience “in the field”. 

The PCTO is an orientation and educational tool that goes beyond classroom learning. It helps stop students dropping out of school or failing their courses by encouraging them to explore a range of career options with first-hand experience of the jobs and the people working in them. Teachers and speakers act as mentors to guide students on their way and help them recognise their talents and vocation.

Set up a PCTO in France with VAL

VAL works with Italian schools and colleges to cover every base when it comes to planning a PCTO stay in France. 

Teaching objectives, professional skills and assessment criteria are clearly set out from the outset. 

We take care of partnerships with local businesses, educational bodies and professional organisations to provide students with a variety of experiences. We also ensure the establishments hosting the students provide suitable spaces, standard equipment and qualified tutors to teach them.